Glasruhen gate

Glasruhen Gate is the sequel to Cooper’s award winning The Golden Acorn. When Jack Brenin found out that, beyond doubt, he was ‘The One’ written about in ancient prophecy, his whole life changed. Now, armed with the golden acorn, his wand and newly acquired skills, Jack must fulfil his promise to ensure that Glasruhen Gate is opened before it’s too late. (Read more)

Silver Hill

With Nora away on a vitally important mission in Annwn, Jack Brenin has to take sole responsibility for rescuing the last two Dragonettes left on earth from being roasted for a Spriggan feast. Using his trusty Book of Shadows for guidance, and with his friends Camelin the raven and Timmery the bat (along with a cunningly captured Dorysk), Jack mounts a daring raid on the Spriggan stronghold inside Silver Hill. (Read more)

The Lost Treasure of Annwn

Many centuries ago, one of Annwn’s greatest treasures, a golden torc, was broken into three pieces and hidden away for safe keeping. If Jack Brenin can find the pieces and remake this lost treasure it will prove beyond doubt that he is the rightful heir to the throne of Annwn. The Lost Treasure of Annwn, following on from his adventures in Silver Hill, sees Jack wrestling with a daunting mission. (Read more)

The Oak Lord

It is written in the Law of Annwn that whoever presents the Lost Treasure – the torc of kingship – to the Queen at Samhain will be crowned King. Having located the torc, it’s up to Jack and his friends to keep it from the clutches of Velindur, who threatens to snatch it away and claim the kingship of Annwn, which Jack knows is rightfully his. (Read more)