The Oak Lord

' The Adventures of Jack Brenin' : 

by Catherine Cooper
The Oak Lord
Available as:
Pub Date: December 2013
Print ISBN: 9781908984210
Pages: 352

It is written in the Law of Annwn that whoever presents the Lost Treasure – the torc of kingship – to the Queen at Samhain will be crowned King. Having located the torc, it’s up to Jack and his friends to keep it from the clutches of Velindur, who threatens to snatch it away and claim the kingship of Annwn, which Jack knows is rightfully his. Meanwhile, somebody is kidnapping fairies and other creatures from Newton Gill Forest. The Oak Lord can help protect the creatures on Earth, but who is he and why is he so important?

Follow Jack and Camelin on their mission through Catherine Cooper’s beguiling landscape to protect the torc and prevent Velindur from unleashing the woes of the Book of Sorrows.

The Oak Lord is the finale to Jack’s adventures, which began with the international bestseller The Golden Acorn, winner of the 2010 Brit Writers Award, and continued in its sequels, Glasruhen GateSilver Hill and The Lost Treasure of Annwn. Jack and Camelin will return in 2015 with the first of their standalone adventures: The Wichen Tree.

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