The Infinite Ideas blog
We write on a variety of subjects and often post exclusive ideas by our bestselling authors. We publish a diverse list and our blog reflects this so if you don’t find a post that interests you today check back later in the week and you’ll probably find something that takes your fancy. Happy reading.
On the Total Irrelevance of electoral politics to the UK’s economy and its problems
29 May 2015 by Catherine Holdsworth in Business and finance, Current events, Nine visions of capitalism
By Charles Hampden-Turner, author of Nine visions of capitalism along with Fons Trompenaars and Tom Cummings. Huge amounts of energy, shouting, amateur dramatics, exaggeration, triumphalism, disastrous disappointment, were featured in the recent election. Reputations were made and shattered, decent people demolished, hopes raised and dashed. Democratic politics substitutes verbal jousting for physical force and that …
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Madeira: the American connection
28 May 2015 by Catherine Holdsworth in Classic Wine Library, Wine and spirits
You may have heard of madeira cake and you might even have been to Madeira on holiday, but what do a few islands off the coast of Africa have to do with America? Well, quite a lot actually. Did you know that it was George Washington’s favourite drink? Did you know that it was used …
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Cersei is about to discover that karma’s a bitch (season 5, episode 7)
26 May 2015 by Catherine Holdsworth in Entertainment, Game of Thrones on Business
WARNING SPOILERS You’d be forgiven for thinking that last night’s episode of Game of Thrones was more Gladiator than Westeros but the pace was picking up for the key characters. While Jon headed off to recruit the Wildlings, Samwell had a very good and very bad time, and Sansa’s situation has gone from bad to worse. Tyrion has …
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Madeira by Richard Mayson
22 May 2015 by Catherine Holdsworth in Classic Wine Library
New book on the wines of Madeira is essential reading for holidaymakers and wine lovers They say that a fine wine gets better with age and of no wine is this more true than it is for madeira. Not only does madeira require cask-ageing in order to acquire its unique ‘maderised’ taste but, unlike most other wines, it retains that …
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Crowdfunding as the antithesis of electoral politics
20 May 2015 by Rebecca in Business and finance, Current events, Nine visions of capitalism
We have just had to endure another stomach-turning electoral contest in which fear, venom, character assassination, unfunded promises and unproven assertions wrestled with each other and which those we collectively abhorred the least eventually won. Thank God we endure it for only six weeks in five years, yet it does us immense damage and sours …
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Sansa’s luck is running out (season 5, episode 6)
19 May 2015 by Catherine Holdsworth in Business and finance, Entertainment, Game of Thrones on Business
WARNING, SPOILERS Last night’s episode of Game of Thrones season 5 could have been the most disturbing yet. I am currently in mourning thinking of the fate of my future husband Jorah and his current sidekick Tyrion, who is heading for sale by cock-merchant. The only light relief in episode 6 was Bronn and Jaime’s bromance …
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